Over 1,200+ Pastors Choose Trail Life For Their Church.

What If Your Church Was Known To Transform Boys into Godly Men of Faith, Strength, and Purpose?

The Largest Exclusively Boys Christian Leadership Organization.
Mentorship That Impacts Generations:
Your church can be the place where young men find mentors who instill faith, character, and resilience. Imagine what happens when seasoned men of God invest in boys' lives—the ripple effects are felt for generations.
Adventure With a Purpose:
Trail Life USA’s Christ-centered, outdoor adventures are designed to engage boys’ hearts and minds. They’ll learn courage, humility, and the profound joy of pursuing God's path—one challenge at a time.
Raising Leaders Who Walk in Faith:
Our program doesn’t just build leaders; it builds Godly leaders. We give boys the skills, tools, and opportunities to become strong, committed disciples—ready to serve their communities and inspire others by their example.
Today 43% of boys are raised by single moms and 78% of teachers are female. The blurring of gender lines, the cultural labeling of masculinity as "toxic", and the watering down or extinction of programs that train and equip boys to become men have left boys fearful and floundering as they seek to define what it means to be a man. A recent survey shows only 36% of parents believe churches are serving their sons well.

Trail Life is where boys thrive!

A Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy, Trail Life is established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure. Boys from Kindergarten through 12th grade are engaged in a Troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.
As Featured In

3 Simple Steps To Bring Trail Life To Your Church.

Fill Out the Ministry Alignment Form.
Sign A Charter Organization Ministry Agreement
Pay One-Time Fee & Launch Your Troop

We Do The Heavy Lifting!

New to outdoor skills like camping and hiking? No problem!  We equip Churches and Troop leaders with step-by-step guides as well as online and in-person training to mentor boys to Godly manhood.

Volunteers in your area are eager to share their skills with you, teaching you and your Troop leaders how to maximize outdoor adventure as a safe, accessible, fun tool to grow young men to godly manhood!
Bring Trail Life To Your Church


What makes Trail Life different from the Boy Scouts (Scouting America)?

There are many differences between Scouting America and Trail Life. Here are the most notable distinctions that set Trail Life apart:

Trail Life provides an unapologetically Christian stance, with the Bible as the foundation for truth and stated Christian Worldview Essentials that permeate the program.
Youth membership is limited to only males.
Trail Life provides trained, background-checked, and equipped Christian men who lead boys in a male-centric environment.
Trail Life provides a Boy-Focused program and activities designed to let boys be boys, accentuating their strengths.
Trail Life provides a robust awards program and challenging physical, mental, and spiritual objectives that let boys experience victory.
The Charter Organization that has a Trail Life Troop owns and operates that Troop as its own ministry.

Read More: https://blog.traillifeusa.com/trail-life-responds-to-bsa-name-change

What is the end goal of Trail Life?

Our Vision is to be the premier character development organization for young men which produces Godly husbands, fathers, and citizens.

Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.

What does a typical Troop meeting look like?

Typical Troop meetings are designed to be active, fun, and most often outdoors.

They will generally follow a similar flow:

An opening ceremony
Troop-wide announcements and devotion
Patrol-specific breakout activities*Troop-wide game or activity
Biblical connections and a closing ceremony

*Older Trailmen will often teach the younger Trailmen a Badge or skill at meetings and outdoor activities.

How much does it cost for a boy to join a Troop?

The Trail Life youth membership fee is $37.97 per year.

This fee is paid directly to Trail Life upon joining and annually thereafter.

Additional charges could include uniform costs, handbook costs, and/or Troop activity fees.  

Troops are encouraged to fundraise to minimize any additional costs to families.  Adult members pay an annual membership fee of $43.19.

The higher amount covers the costs of periodic criminal background checks, supplemental evaluation processes, and youth protection training for adult members.

NOTE - Membership and Troop fees are non-refundable, and all fees must be paid via credit or debit card.

How involved should I be as the parent?

Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their son’s program, whether by attending meetings, completing in-home activities, teaching a specific skill at an outing, or just providing encouragement. We encourage parents to become Registered Adults so they can provide additional support for their son(s) and Troop when needed.

NOTE: Foxes (5-6 year olds) are required to have at least one parent in attendance at all meetings and outings.

Is it possible for a boy to go through the program alone if no Troop is close?

Not at this time, as it does not satisfy the patrol method that is part of our character and leadership development philosophy.

What is a Charter Organization?

A Charter Organization is a Christian non-profit organization that has started a Trail Life Troop.  These organizations (typically churches) must align with Trail Life's Statements of Faith and Values.

Each Charter Organization owns and operates its Trail Life Troop as a ministry of that local organization or church.

What makes Trail Life different from other Christian youth organizations?

Most other Christian youth organizations are limited to either a specific denomination/faith tradition or a general region of the country.

Trail Life is interdenominational, with Charter Organizations representing Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox faith traditions across all 50 states.

How often do Troops meet?

Typically, Troops meet once a week for about eight to nine months of the year.

However, each Troop sets their own meeting schedule based on what works best for their Charter Organization. Click the Find A Troop button to connect with your local Troops to find out their particular meeting schedules.

How old does a boy need to be to join?

Youth membership is open to all boys at least 5 years old and less than 18 years of age.

Trailmen are expected to advance through the program with other Trailmen their age.

How does a boy become a member?

Youth members are added to an existing Trail Life Troop. Contact your local Troop for instructions.

You can find the closest Troop to you by going to traillifeusa.com and clicking on "Find a Troop". You can use the "Connect with Troop" link to submit your contact information.

Can a boy still join if his Dad is not in the picture?


Whether dad is permanently or temporarily out of the picture, your son is welcome at any Trail Life Troop. There he will find many Godly men to help him along his journey to manhood.

Do you have or can you recommend a youth program for girls?

We recommend our sister program, the American Heritage Girls. You can find more about AHG at www.ahgonline.org.

Don’t Wait.

65% of Young Men say that “no one really knows me well”
63% of Dads feel they don’t get enough time with their kids.
39% of dads believe they are doing an excellent job raising their kids.

36% of parents believe churches are serving their sons well.

If you don’t change these statistics, who will?